Take my friend Evin. She doesn't sleep for 2-3 days. Doesn't shower. Goes to New York to get a passport. Gets hung up on the preoccupation that the only reason she got her passport she needed in 3 days was because she got past the bitch at the counter and upstairs to the men who looked at her dress falling down to reveal her rather large breasts. The woe. She only got what she wanted because she was a pretty woman-- she thought. Not because of her impeccable bargaining skills.
Sometimes feminists hate the fact that beauty can get them what they want. Others embrace it. I tend to embrace it. Or try to. But when I'm feeling bitchy, don't try to compliment me. I will only tear you apart.
Myself, when I'm stressed, I think of an alternative life, where I don't get a job and fall into a traditional gender role that I'm not fit for. Then I freak out. Then I feel bad for all of the women out there that need to depend on men and I get really dogmatic and ROAR!
But NAW MAN! That ain't me. I'm not dogmatic. I, in fact, usually respect the choices of many women to stay at home and raise children, just as I respect men who do the same thing. Its just not for me.
So in times of stress, women get "feministy." They get preoccupied with gender and don't know why. We can't put our finger on that lurking monkey of gender that somehow still affects us. We are women traveling on a gravel (not paved) path of 2nd generation "free" or "more equal" women--especially us at Yale. So what bothers us? If we are at the top at Yale, and we have rights and such, why do we feel there is still something wrong? Feminism isn't as obvious as saying, "Don't say c**t" or "We want equal pay" or "We want abortions" like it was in the 60s.
But we know something is wrong. So what is it? And how do you explain that to a man who doesn't see it?
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